
This is a summary of various charity projects in Musoma that I am involved with. Musoma reunion 2002 was the inspiration. The presentation is dedicated to all Musomians and friends of Musoma.

You may also view the full power point presentation elsewhere on this website.

How do you get involved?

Contact me through my practice e mail address [email protected] or Musoma blog or contact any of the partners below

How do I make a donation?

Click "Donate" and then they later get the chance to leave a message and that is where they put a note to say that it is for Musoma appeal.

Watch this video on


Project 13

Our current project involved updating facilities at the LVDC in Nyabangi (7 miles out of Musoma town) . Watch the Presentation about various charity projects in Musoma

Project 12

Proposal: Mobile van to deliver much needed medical assistance to the neighbouring villages

Project 11

In 2014 we are supplying dental equipment for Shirati and LVDC £10,000 (costs are shared with a charity based in Holland)

Project 10

Donations to build accommodation for volunteers and Dennis Maina £5,000

Project 9

In 2012 Feb we have purchased a 7.5 acre plot for the new LVDC. Funds collected by me £30,000. Total spend £150K with other partners ongoing.

Project 8

Part funded vehicle for GOMad (Anglican Church initiative) to transport sick children from villages to a new dispensary £3,000

Project 7

Part funded vehicle for LVDC for transporting disabled people £5,000

Project 6

Supplied books for a library Anglican Church £500

Project 5

Extended Lake Victoria Disability Centre (at the United Bus Site) £25,000

Project 4

Improving Basic Resuscitation Unit and Acute Care facilities at Musoma Hospital.

Project 3

Refurbishment of Dental Unit at Musoma Hospital
Project in hand. Due for completion June 2006. Approximately £4,000- £5,000

Project 2

Mukendo School (formerly Aghakhan School) Total Spend £9,250 sterling (funds dispatched 2005 Dec)

Project 1

Iringo School (formerly Nanakchand Primary School) Total Spend £9,250 sterling.